Humans and the human condition. This double-bill of powerful premieres takes on big questions and touches the audience. Both productions offer recognisable visions of the essential absurdity of our world. They are stories about the haphazardness of life, of disconnectedness, the uses and abuses of power, of sexuality, and love. We are led to explore our stores of compassion for the protagonists, struggling against senseless odds.
The Trial (Oikeusjuttu) is based on Franz Kafka’s famous novel and Waiting for Earthquake (I väntan på en jordbävning) on Zinaida Lindén’s Runeberg Prize–winning book. The two mini-operas are conducted by Taavi Oramo, who was recently appointed Artist–in–Residence by Tapiola Sinfonietta and Artistic Director by Vocal Espoo.
The Trial (Oikeusjuttu)
Music Paavo Korpijaakko
Libretto Jussi Moila (adapted from Franz Kafka’s The Trial)
Waiting for Eartquake (I väntän på en jordbävning)
Music Uljas Pulkkis
Libretto Seppo Parkkinen (adapted from Zinaida Lindén’s I väntän på en jordbävning)
Conductor Taavi Oramo
Director Vilppu Kiljunen
Costume Designer Marja Uusitalo
Set Designer Sampo Pyhälä
Lighting Designer Jarkko Lievonen
Gabriel Suovanen – baritone
Annami Hylkilä – soprano
Reetta Ristimäki – soprano
Ann-Marie Heino – mezzosoprano
Sampo Haapaniemi – baritone
Jussi Vänttinen – baritone
Janne Marja-Aho – actor, dancer